Rules and Regulations

  1. All pupils should attend classes from the opening day, after each vacation.
  2. Absence without leave application and non-payment of fee as per rules prescribed will lead to removal of the pupil’s name from the school rolls.
  3. The Principal can, in the interest of the school and/or the pupil concerned, insist on the withdrawal of and/or expel a pupil for the following reasons :
    • where a pupil fails to come upto or maintain the academic standard required by the school.
    • where in the opinion of the Principal a pupil has failed to accept and maintain the discipline of the school and/or his continued presence is detrimental to the moral tone of the school.
    • where a pupil is suffering from a disease likely to affect the health of others.
  4. Any change in address or telephone number of parent must be intimated immediately to avoid inconvenience.
  5. Strict regularity and punctuality, implicit obedience, maintaining school timing, courtesy in words and deeds, cleanliness of dress and person and proper care of books and school property is expected from every pupil.
  6. Fines may be imposed by the Principal for breaches against regularity, discipline rules and loss or damage to school property.
  7. The wearing of the school uniform is obligatory. Wearing of jewellery and bringing expensive articles, mobiles or money to school is strictly prohibited and the school will not be responsible for their loss.
  8. Pupils are responsible to the school authorities for their conduct not only in the school but also for their general behaviour outside. Any report of objectionable conduct on the part of any pupil will make him/her liable for disciplinary action.
  9. Gifts in any form to the members of staff are not allowed.
  10. Every student when called upon to attend extra classes or to take part in other activities of the school must do so. Failure to comply will entail punishment/disciplinary action.
  11. No student should leave the school premises without the permission of the Principal, Disciplinary action will be taken against those doing so. Also the school will not be responsible for the safety of the offenders in this respect.