Recommendation to Parents

  1. The school solicits the co-operation of parents/guardians in helping it to achieve with perfection the noble goal for which the institution has been established.
  2. Parents are expected to play their part by ensuring regularity, punctuality and discipline.
  3. Politeness and courtesy in speech and conduct should be inculcated in the child alongwith a sense of cleanliness of dress and person.
  4. The conduct of the parent/guardian to the school should be courteous and polite. Any misconduct or bad behaviour will render the person concerned ineligible for future appointment or entry into school premises.
  5. Parents and visitors may see the Principal only after seeking prior appointment through school office.
  6. Parents should be particular that their wards take all the examinations and tests.
  7. Reports and recommendations from the teachers and the Principal should be signed by the parents. Failure to do so may put the child to great inconvenience.
  8. School diaries should be checked every day by the parents to have an up-to-date information regarding tests and their child’s performance in the class.
  9. Private tuition are totally prohibited. Parents are advised not to approach the school teachers.
  10. Parents will have to help the child in making up to lessons and exercises missed during their absence.
  11. Constructive suggestions, if any, should be made by parents in writing to the Principal giving full name, class and section of their wards.
  12. Parent-Teacher meetings will be held from time to time for better co-ordination between parents and teachers.
  13. Parents, guardians and pupils should be fully acquainted with the rules and regulations contained in the Prospectus. Ignorance of rules will be no excuse.
  14. Parents are requested not to tip the school peons.